Meetings and Events
Upcoming 2024 Meeting Dates: We meet at 7 p.m. and will email all members the location a few days before the meeting. Please join us for “horse” talk and special programs!
April 24
May 22
June 26
July 24
August 28
September 25
October 23
December – Holiday Party
Trail Clearings: Trail clearings will be posted on Facebook. Please join us to keep trails safe and clear for equestrians.​
Guided Rides/Trail Introduction Rides:
Dates and guides TBA
Past Events:
Dr. Pat Bona – Discussion and demonstration on cross-fiber grooming, EMMET4 Horses technique, chiropractic work, and the use of lasers.
Willow Lake Farm – Tour and program on the history and current use of the property.
“Saddle Fit to Function Forward” Clinic – Review of correct saddle fit for horse and rider comfort and appropriate adjustments for specific issues.
“That’s a Wrap” clinic – Overview of wrapping and bandaging techniques to prevent or address horse injuries while at home or on the trails.
Let’s Ask the Vet – A local veterinarian sharing insight and advice on common horse issues and how to keep your horse healthy.
Holistic Horse Care – The natural maintenance of horses and land including pasture care, fly control, worming, first aid, vaccinations, and feed.